
In this course we will experiment with lens based capture techniques (and other forms of digital image making) as a way of engaging with and sharing creative “content” in digital spaces.

We will explore how emerging techniques for image making, 3D scanning, face tracking, motion capture, video capture, and animation no longer require expensive or hard to access devices, and can be implemented in a DIY fashion using phones, computers, cheap hacks and existing apps. 

Throughout this course we will learn about the history of experimental media capture tools and techniques, and look at influential creative works made with a variety of these methods. We will apply this knowledge to our own experiments in capturing a unique perspective on the world around us, leveraging the devices and platforms available to us today.

Lastly, we will survey the many platforms for sharing media experiments, and consider (with a critical eye) the relationship between media objects and online audiences as we share the videos, images, 3d models or animations we make.